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Return to Wolf Valley – theatrical adventure game (WORKSHOP & PLAY)

2021.08.04. @ 16:00 - 18:00

Would you like to experience what the everyday life of a Bronze Age village was like? The world of Our shared heritage – Vučedol Culture project’s theatrical adventure play Return to the Wolf Valley raises distant but fundamental human issues in many elements.

The Theatrical Adventure Game (TAG) invites you on a journey to Bronze Age Baranya using the tools of drama pedagogy and live role-playing. You become part of a story where the everyday life, community life, art and religion of a Bronze Age village come to life. You can get involved in the conflict of a community facing a decision. Progress or stability? Take over or keep? Maintain or release? These eternal questions stood also before the man of the Bronze Age.

Workshop from 4 pm, lecture from 5 pm

Apply here: https://forms.gle/HXy8RsHvYybf4dc78

You can join the game at two levels of participation:

– Player: Players who choose a deeper engagement are given their own character and can build relationships with other characters and actors’characters during the evening

– Participant: Most of the participants can express their opinion as part of the community and get involved in the performance if they want or can be in the background as a spectator of a participatory theater performance.

Style: theatrical adventure game meets live role-playing

Time frame: 2 hours

Participants: 30 participants and 6 players


16:00 - 18:00